Hey, our internet is...ehm, well damn it.... It doesn't work 80% of the time. Especially during the last week we couldn't call someone or use the internet. My mom want to cancel our contract this weekend. ISo I can't say how regularly I can show you some pictures and share some new recipes with you. But as I said in the last blog post, it's time to try new recipes and start new projects.

Hey, also unser Internet hat grad so seine Probleme.... Wir werden wahrscheinlich den Vertrag kündigen, und deshalb weiß ich nicht, wie oft ich in nächster Zeit zum Posten komme. Aber ich probiere gerade neue Rezepte aus und werde in nächster Zeit noch einige Projekte anfangen und beenden. Ich werde mich also bemühen euch auch nächste Woche neue Rezepte zu präsentieren und viele Bilder!
Marinaded Tofu (2 Servings):
- 200g firmly tofu
- 3 Tbsp flour
- 7 Tbsp water
- 3 Tbsp sesam
- 1/2 tsp salt
-> cut the tofu into 4 big slices; mix the water, flour and salt
-> cover the slices with this mixture and then dip into some sesame
-> roast the marinaded tofu 'till it's brown the "batter"'s like a pancake around the tofu (haha, sounds a little weird)
- salad
- 1 tomato
- 4 slices toast
- vegan cheese
- creme/ vegan tzatziki/ guacamole
You don't need more than 15 minutes to prepare this yummy sandwich. And you can take it anyway, when you fix it with some toothpicks and pack it in a box. Enjoy this easy, fast and delicious meal! Bisous bisous, Luu

Oh, jetzt brauche ich aber ganz dringend ein zweites Frühstück :D