Mittwoch, 18. Juli 2012

PB & Chocolate Chip Dip or Spread

Peanutbutter & Chocolate Chip Dip / Spread:

- 300g Kichererbsen (300g garbanzos)
- 3 EL Erdnussbutter (3 Tbsp peanut butter)
- 1 TL Vanillezucker (1 tsp vanilla sugar)
- 4 EL Kakao (4 Tbsp cacao)
- 1 Handvoll Schokoladenchips ( 1 handful chocolate chips)
- 1 Prise Salz (1 pinch salt)
- 2-3 EL Sojadrink (2-3 Tbsp soy drink)
- 1-2 EL Agaven-/Ahornsirup ( 1-2 Tbsp agave/ maple syrup)

I sometimes make this spread or dip just to eat it straight out of the bowl. The recipe is adapted from Katie's Dips. It's also great as spread or to dip some snacks. Just mix all ingredients and blend untill it's a smooth creme. You also can omit the cacao and add other ingredients you like. 
I'm sewing a new skirt at the moment. So now I keep on doing.
have a nice day! Bisous bisous, Luu

2 Kommentare:

  1. Hi, zur Zeit läuft auf meinem Blog eine Your-Blog Aktion, vielleicht hast du ja Lust mitzumachen und schaust mal vorbei :)


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