(Ich bin erkältet und habe Muskelkater. Mehr möchte ich aber nicht rumjammern, denn ich habe mir selbst als entschädigung heute sehr leckere Mango-Kokos Eiscreme gemacht und ein Frosting umfunktioniert.)

Chocolate Frosting (for your toast):
- 2 gehäufte TL Margarine ( 2 heaped tsp margarine)
- 1 EL (Soja-) Drink ( 1 Tbsp (soy-)drink)
- 1 TL Backkakao ( 1 tsp baking cacao)
- 2 EL süßer Kakao ( 2 Tbsp sweet cacao)
- 1 EL Ahornsirup (1 Tbsp maple syrup)
(- 2 EL Kokoskreme ( 2 Tbsp cocnut creme))
Mix the margarine with the drink (use either a blender, a spoon or a fork), add the other ingredients and stir untill your creme is super smooth. Et voilà! You have a delicious frosting for a toast, cupcake, banana oranything you can imagine in less than 5 minutes!
I've a cold and aching muscles, so I decided to make some yummy food for myself! Therefore I converted my Chocolate Frosting and used it on my toast. I also made another ice cream. A mango-coconut ice cream. You'll see the recipe and the pictures tomorrow!
(the white thing is my current vegan "cheese". hmmm)
Now I'll make a makramee (band) for my leg (with some little bells).
Enjoy your evening!
Bisous bisous, Luu
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